Risk Assessment
Risk assessment is a process for identifying potential hazards. It can help you determine the potential impacts resulting from the interruption of time-sensitive or critical business processes. A Risk Analysis graph is available if using the Risk Assessment-Probability and Risk Assessment-Severity drop-down lists in your Packet design.
The Probability drop-down list defaults contain the following options:
- Frequent
- Probable
- Occasional
- Remote
The Severity drop-down list defaults contain the following options:
- Negligible
- Marginal
- Critical
- Catastrophic
Drop-down list values can be changed, but changes should only be made during initial setup and with caution. Changing the list values after the initial setup will cause prior values to be excluded in the risk assessment calculations. To avoid confusion, it is recommended that you use the default drop-down list names and values.
NOTE: The Risk Assessment graph default will be a total of all packets using the Probability and Severity drop-down list.
To create the Risk Assessment graph:
- Add the Risk Assessment-Probability and Risk-Assessment-Severity drop-down lists to your desired forms.
Both drop-down lists are required to create the Risk Assessment graph.
- Under the General tab on the Form Group Detail page of the Form Group, select the Include Form Group in Risk Assessment checkbox.
- In the provided drop-down lists, select the appropriate fields from Step 1 for the Probability and Severity Risk Assessment drop-down lists defined on your Form Group.
NOTE: The Probability drop-down list must be the first drop-down list and the Severity drop-down list the second.
If you have permissions to the Snapshot/Dashboard option located under the Global Permission tab in the Permissions table, the Risk Assessment menu option will display under the Management Menu Group.
- Click the Risk Assessment link to display the graph.
- Select the Form Group or leave unchanged for ALL Form Groups.
NOTE: Only the Form Groups that are listed as Active and have the Include Form Group in Risk Assessment flag set to YES, will display in the Form Group drop-down list.
- To select a date range, select the Date Range checkbox.
This will allow you to enter a Start and End date. (The default is up to and including the current date.)
- Select a Status option: Open (the default), Closed, or All.
- Click the Refresh button to update the graph based on the selected settings.
- When numbers appear in the graph, clicking them will display the Risk Assessment Details table. It lists the packets that were used in the calculation.
- Click a Packet ID link to be directed a specific packet.
- Click the Close button on the Risk Assessment Details page or close the packet window to return to Risk Assessment graph.